Hi! I’m Michelle

Struggle helps grow your brain

  • Passionate about engineering and technology, and empowering students to problem-solve and understand the world around them.
  • Loves being creative and reinventing lessons to be more engaging and enjoyable.
  • Uses backward design to plan units, and applies this process to engineering classes with the district CTE leads.
  • Works to align EDI challenges to the new technology and career-ready standards.
  • Enjoys working closely with teams to efficiently create and improve upon current and future lessons.
  • Attends professional developments to better understand the problems and work toward solutions.
  • Recognizes the responsibility to create equity within the classroom for students of all cultural, socio-economic, and educational backgrounds.


One of our Level-Up game boards. This one is for the Geometry unit and lists activities to earn XP. along with each items’ difficulty levels.

My Lessons

Lessons I have Modified or created

I have collaborated with my co-teacher who was a special education teacher and my partner teacher. The three of us reviewed old lessons, created new lessons, and engaged in best practices conversations, ensuring we have equity in the learning experiences. 

I carried this process with me in PLC meetings with the EDI teachers from the district.


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My Designs and Artwork

My artwork has evolved over the years

My art started primarily with pencil drawings when I was young and then to portraits when I had some training in high school. In college I was able to work with some other mediums and really fell in love with oil pastels. In my professional career, I was able to learn to use design tools like InDesign to embrace my inner graphic designer.


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My pencil drawing from high school of John Wayne.